I discovered the wild and playful world of Prezi this week. I was a die hard PowerPoint fan since the 1990s able to build those boring slides with lots of word. I was reluctant to leave my world.
I built a complicated PowerPoint slide for Professor Armstrong's class rich with animation and proudly showed it to my team. Well, what can I say...I abandoned PowerPoint and ended up learning Prezi! I was so engaged that I worked well into the night and woke up the next day to start again. Why? Prezi lets you think in multiple dimensions and perspectives. I wasn't bound by those four edges of the PowerPoint slide. Anything can fit into the screen! The scalability of images is truly AMAZING zooming into a tiny image to full resolution.

Prezi is not only fun and easy, you can work collaboratively online with ten of your friends. Prezi must have been designed by person with a silly imagination because each online friend is represented by a colorful stick figure that bobbles about the screen.